Balance and coordination exist when the body is used for what it is designed for. Exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, bicycling, martial arts, and bodybuilding all help to improve muscle coordination. Activities such as working at a desk, reading, and watching television do the opposite for the body. Without realizing it, most people have extreme stress in their muscles. This muscular tension contributes to muscle tightness, restricted movement, and joint pain. This occurs simply because they sit for many hours every day and do not perform regular exercises that will work to keep all of the muscles in their body in balance.
Millar Chiropractic - Appointment Center
Millar Chiropractic - Huntsville Millar Functional Medicine
Local Phone: (256) 830-0000 Toll Free: 1-800 Go Chiro (1-800-462-4476)
Millar Chiropractic - Business Office
Millar Chiropractic - Huntsville AL and Millar Functional Medicine Mailing Address: PO Box 21157
Huntsville, Alabama 35813 Physical Address: 2021 Clinton Ave West Huntsville, Alabama 35805